Blood test and result

this week is the last of my fortnight appointment with ID Clinic. Next appointment is next month. =)

My blood test result was ok. However there is a concern since the test result shows that my cholestrol level is quite high. It is either im just fat, or that the HAART medication or the TB pills are affecting my liver.

So the doctor still need to monitor my condition for a little more.

I also met the pharmacist. she said that since i am very obedient and observant of the pills taking regime, she will now release me to be independent. no need for me to report back to her unless anything happens. She also dont need to check on my supply of HAART pills anymore. i can do it myself.  Good news. Less one appointment to attend.

 However i still need to attend my appointment with my ID Specialist doc next month. this is to monitor the progress of my renal profile. after that, if that is ok, then we will arrange the appointment after two months, and later, twice a year.

My feelings.

I am ok with this arrangement because i think unless there is a need for me to see the doctors, i can take care of myself. I have been taking pills religiously. Every night. without fail. so that is ok for me. However, there is a little part of me tht i a little bit worried how and what effect does this medication have on my body. but i know, inshaallah, with God's will, everything will be alright.


I need to change my diet now. since my cholestrol is quite high, no more oily food for me....hmmm can i suggest KFC and McD to start selling steam burgers or chicken soup? hehe. just kidding. 

P/s:the clinic was full yesterday. i hope everything works out fine for all of them.

P/s: although it is sad and embarrassing, going to hospitals is a humbling experience for me. it is a reminder for everyone and for myself. inshaallah, together, we can overcome this virus.



  1. Alhamdulilah, it is good to see you are very positive about all these medications and follow-ups. (: Thumbs up to you, brother!

    For the high cholesterol, I wouldn't recommend fast food. :/ It is best if you start cooking your own healthy food ke? It might be troublesome for you. So, stick to very simple food and those sunnah food recommended by the Prophet (saw) like dates, honey, figs, apricots, goat's milk.

    May Allah continue to provide you with the strength to go through your challenges in life. Aameen! :D

    1. Thank u for the tips. Goat milk, that one is new for me. Inshaallah, ill try it . Thank u for ur prayers =) ur kind words n prayers means a lot to me


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