Year One: Tahun Pertama

Nearing my first year knowing my status, a lot of things had happened in the past year. It is a year of self discovery, a year full of spiritual enlightenment, a year full of tears and happiness. 

Some suggest that i should celebrate my "anniversary". For me, it is not about the celebration that matters. This year, i have witnessed, experienced, and battled the most crucial ( as for now) personal tribulation within myself. accepting my life status. It is not as bad i must say. if it wasnt for this virus, i dont think i am where i am today. 

And just because of this test, i am always reminded of His Greatness, and will forever remind me of The Almighty. Insha Allah. 

And for this, i say, Happy Anniversary to Me. Year One. done. many years to come, Insha-Allah.

Semoga Allah selamatkan kita semua. Insha Allah. 

I would like to wish my wife, thank you for being by my side. I love you. May Allah Grant our wishes of being together in Jannah. Amin. 

P/S: and may Allah Grant us with few healthy offsprings. Doakan kami ye semua. =) 


  1. i was feeling down and going through a lot of emotions about how knowing my status and taking those pills have affected my daily routine and relationship in the past few months, sometimes I just feel like I don't want to do this anymore. And then I stumbled upon this blog and found that there's another person like me battling the same thing. Bro I just want to tell you that you must not give up. Because of writing this blog entry, tonight you have just made me feel better.


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